
Balanced Christianity is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christians tend to polarize. Some have an intellectual faith, while others are more emotional. Some focus on structure while others focus on freedom. And some champion evangelism while others advocate for social action. John Stott’s classic statement of balanced Christianity shows how we can hold these tensions together in biblical, faithful ways. Also included is an interview with John Stott...

less than human beings. Scripture forbids us to behave like horses or mules which have “no understanding” and commands us instead in our understanding to be “adults” (Psalm 32:9; 1 Corinthians 14:20). Indeed, we are constantly told in the Bible that every aspect of the Christian life is impossible without the Christian use of our minds. (I have developed this theme of the Christian use of the mind in Your Mind Matters.) Let me take one example, the exercise of faith. Many imagine that faith is entirely
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